482 Skills in Demand Visa (SID)
The newly introduced Skills in Demand (SID) 482 visa has officially replaced the Temporary Skills Shortage (TSS) 482 visa as of early December 2024. This program serves as a sponsored work visa pathway that enables your business to nominate highly skilled overseas workers to fill critical roles within your organization.
The SID 482 visa offers three distinct streams tailored to different employment scenarios, each aimed at addressing the specific skill shortages faced by the Australian labour market.
By utilizing this visa program, you can effectively access a broader pool of talent from overseas, ensuring that they have the skilled workforce necessary to thrive in a competitive market. This transition reflects the ongoing commitment to meeting the evolving demands of various industries while contributing to Australia’s economic growth.
The three different streams are:
- Core Skills Stream: For occupations on the CSOL, with a salary threshold of AUD 73,150+.
- Specialist Skills Stream: For highly skilled professionals in ANZSCO 2022 occupations (excluding Major Groups 3, 7, and 8), earning at least AUD 135,000annually.
- Labour Agreement Stream: Transitioning to the Essential Skills Stream, which is currently under development.
You can proceed to sponsor your chosen overseas worker once your 482 sponsorship agreement is approved and the nominated position has been submitted. Visa applicants must meet a number of strict requirements, with the most crucial being that their skills and experience align with the role you have nominated.
This visa program is regarded as the most advantageous by the immigration department, as it is specifically designed to tackle the genuine skills shortages faced by Australia, thereby contributing to a stronger economy and a better future.
To assist you in navigating the comprehensive requirements for nominating your overseas employees, feel free to reach out to us for expert advice and guidance. With over 18 years of experience in the migration field, our highly specialized team has supported numerous Australian businesses across various industries and sizes.